After a dismal ten minutes at Frank and Tony's, this was sort of a relief. I've been coming here about once a year since 2000. It keeps getting bigger. Now you can go upstairs or into the back entrance of neighboring Ballantine. The patio is huge and gave my party some space.
Inside, it was a cluster F. REALLY loud, shitty music and 20 somethings from wall to wall. Don't hang out inside unless you want to be the meat in a barfly/ lunkhead sandwich. I have no idea what the beer choices were. I just kept getting handed Bud bottles without having to go in. Hallelujah.
It is nicer than the average strip mall patio which usually provides a view of a parking lot. This patio is nestled between 19th century brick buildings and lends an "alleyway block party" vibe. Still not a place i want to be more than once a year.
At one point i looked around and every single person was texting. It was like some weird arthouse movie scene.