| - Chris, the lady who owns this place has celiac so it really gives me a feeling of safety in believing that the goods here are really gluten free. As she personally explained to us, its gluten ZERO because there is actually a ton of additives and other products that have hidden glutens and none of her products has any of those. I found her talk very educational and it was very useful. I often write reviews comparing gluten free goods to other gluten free goods since there is a stigma that gluten free goods are generally not as good, but the chocolate chip cookies here are SO good compared to ANY baked goods, gluten free, gluten zero, or with gluten. I love them. They are a little crunchy but also soft and chewy in the middle and they have this nice taste to them and the chocolate has that ooey gooey feel. So good.
There are some other items available but the other things we had were the lemon meringue cupcake, the carrot cake cupcake, and the brownie cupcake. My friend really liked the brown cupcake who picked that, my other friend like the lemon meringue since that's his flavor. I personally don't like those flavors so for me personally the brownie cupcake was too sweet and chocolatey, the lemon was too tangy and sweet. But the people they were meant for loved them. The carrot cake was a little dry and Chris told me to heat them up in the microwave and that would probably have solved the problem but I don't have a microwave, so I didn't get to experience it the way it was meant to be experience.
Super nice lady who is also a great artist and tasty gluten zero eats. Love it! Thanks!