| - Initially lost on entry. CJ = hearth on the way in, it's absence made me wonder just how much damage the noon sun had wraught but nope It's just not there.
The first server didn't know about the drinks available, no asian beers present, but specifically was unable to get a pear cider in bottles until we'd proved it, would have been easier to have asked the bar person, oh hell she was the bar tender but I like a game of search the menu when parched. Makes the prize so much more rewarding.
Server change:)
Sabrina was great, a non corporate personality in a chain ( tis a good thing) even during my head-addled minds attempt to get through the appearance of an item on the menu being claimed to be "happy hour only" Sorry I wanted 6 wings, not 12, hard enough to lose weight, yeah why go to Claim Jumpers then, damn you caught me. ( I was cheating ok?) We had a light, for CJ, meal and it all came out well cooked and on time. Drinks stayed filled. I stopped going to these a while back because the self control didn't match their offer I'm happy to say that they are making it a bit easier ( though not by much ) to leave without two bags of food under your arm while your spouse wheels you out to the car.