TERRIBLE experience.
Just got home from my first visit to Tri-City East Vet...and was shocked at how bad my experience was.
The staff was ok...but Dr Snider was just plain rude.
In no particular order...he called my male cat a "she" a number of times even after I corrected him the first time (and of course it says that he's a male on the paper-work I filled out too).
Then he literally scoffed at my suggestion my female cat's deafness was cause by an anti-biotic...without knowing what she'd been given or for how long. And later admitted that it was a possible side-effect...but unlikely. Still without knowing what she'd been given or for how long.
Then he recommended a blood test to check my cat's thyroid...and the estimate was nearly $370.00. When I asked what the test would cover it was for a complete blood work. So I asked what just a blood test for just the thyroid would be and was given a quote of something like $70.00.
But the final straw was he came back to the room and asked if I wanted a urine sample taken too. I asked what that was for and he impatiently said he'd already explained it and then to "never mind because he didn't want to confuse me anymore".
After that my blood stared to boil so after he brushed me off and left I asked the assistant what would happen if there was a problem with my cat's thyroid and she didn't seem to know.
At that point I was done and said to forget the blood test and I'd pay for the visit and be on my way.
Dr Snider came back in and I had a chance to let him know I didn't appreciate the way he treated me. What's the point of having tests done if you don't know why you're doing them?
He did say he was sorry...something about that he had a cancellation that morning and needed to get back to something else he had that needed to be done. But he said again he'd already explained what the urine test was for.
So I got a chance to let him know to his face that I needed to know WHY I was doing tests and didn't appreciate him dismissing my questions. And that it shouldn't be a big deal to re-explain something if I needed it to be clarified.
He said something like it was just his manner to be like that. So I told him he might want to re-think that approach and as quickly as I could I paid $47.00 for the office visit and left.
I cannot imagine how Dr Snider got to the point that he thinks he can act this way to a new customer...or anyone using his services for that matter.