When I'm not traveling I work mainly from home and I mostly don't feel like cooking if I have a really late day. I hopped on Yelp and this place was suggested to me so I decided to give it a try.
I love bento boxes but I was unsure of the packaging for a take out, but I ordered anyway and somehow got carried away still working 30 minutes later. When I showed up for my pickup, the gentlemen said "Merry? It's been so long your food is cold I'm sure, can I reheat it for you?" I was like wow! 10 minutes before closing time and you're still on your A-Game. Then he asked me if I liked spicy sauces and I said yes so he gave me something he called "his mom's sauce" and even threw in an appetizer for checking in! Lol my appetite is terrible so I didnt even come close to finishing all the food but I tried it all, and it was all so yummy! TEPPAN Bento was a great find.