Screw you Whole Foods. Me and Sunflower Market are going steady and your overpriced organic goods, bangin' sushi and prepared foods, and vegan chocolate cake can't win me back.
Baby...Sunflower...I am so sorry I cheated on with WF today. I reached for an avocado that was 2.50 and then hit myself. I had to get OUT OF HERE and go back to my true produce love. (Even though the people who work at WF? OMG-wicked hotties!!!)
I love your double sale Wednesdays. I love your delish produce that is so dirt cheap and you always, ALWAYS have the cheapest yummiest avocados. You got the whole Vegannaise selection. All the soy cheese and soy milk and tempeh and tofu a girl could want. I got some amazing soy ice cream sandwiches for like 2 sometihing-f u Tofutti Cuties! Your cans of beans are dirt cheap. You got sales on stuff like Kettle Chips and Hansens soda. AND YOU HAVE BOOZE! OMG! Like GREAT booze! Specials on wine and beer? ANd you have a cute lil' beauty and health section where I scored some deals on lotion? Yeah, baby, I like that.
I also like I can get my water here-bring my giant cumbersome water cooler thangamajig and fill it up for a buck. That is value.
And everyone who works here? Awesome. Laid back. Bill the produce guy will hook you up with slices of produce to try out, everyone is so friendly but not a scary "hello ma'am how can i serve you today" way.
Sunflower...I am getting a heart locket and I am putting your picture in to put around my neck. Its you and me (and Trader Joes...sorry baby, hes just got cheaper oj and frozen veggies)...4 EVA.