This is the first time in 6 years that Lino's messed up! First my burger buns were rock hard & they looked at my husband like he was stupid when he asked for different ones. Opened up my chicken finger box my food looked bomb! Once I took a bite it tasted like burnt rubber. At this point I lost my appetite and wanted my money back. The cashier Christina gonna say the manager said we don't do refunds. Can I speak to your manager ? Oh he's not here I called him on the phone.... she got back on the phone to tell me they can only remake my food and bring the other food back. She said we make our food the same if we cook it any time less it's gonna be raw. Ma'am I just want my money back so I can go. Or can I have a credit for next time I purchase? No we can't do that. Okay that's fine. A man gets on the phone says we will refund your money just bring the food back. Now I gotta drive allllllllll the way back over to there to get my refund. I walk in and the girl acts like she doesn't know why I'm there. I need my refund on the food. She looks back at the guy standing in the back and says she's here for her refund. I ask her can I speak with her manager is he here ? She looks back again like she doesn't know who her manager is or if he's here. I didn't have the same card I purchased with because it was my husbands so I told her I can come back tomorrow and get the refund. A man walks up his name is SAM I'm guessing he's the manager and he's been there the whole time the girl was lying to me on the phone saying she had to call him to get an answer. She tells me she gonna refund me $9 . I tell her with tax she goes I'm giving you back what you paid for the chicken fingers. Well I paid tax on my chicken fingers so give i want the whole amount. The manager was no help he was there for "moral support" I WONT EAT HERE NO MORE CUSTOMER SERVICE & COOK is TRASH