My experience with Prima Management, has been truly Aweful. I called in the other day to inquire about what their minimum credit requirement was. The girl I spoke with on the phone told me that there was a 650 credit score requirement. I then asked if it would be possible to have a co-cisgner on the app. She told me that they do accept co-signers and to just note on the application that I would have a co-signer. I made sure that the woman was aware of my current credit situation (around 500 score, very bad I know) and she assured me this would not hinder my application process.. I made sure to take all precautionary steps because there was a $20 application fee that I did not want to just waste.
Almost a week later, I still have not been called. So I call and ask the status of my application. The woman I talk to today tells me that there is a requirement of a 600 credit score or higher IF I want to use a co-signer.. THIS IS NEWS TO ME! I VIVIDLY remember making my credit situation known to the girl I spoke with before paying $20 to submit my application.
So, because it was their company who made the error in training the girls on the phone. NOT my error. I requested that my $20 fee be refunded. I was told that it is "against policy, and there is nothing you can do to get your $20 back" ... WHAT!!! This makes no sense to me. Isn't in AGAINST POLICY to misinform a customer and potential renter???
I asked her what we can do to fix this situation.. the woman states "Nothing. Like I said before, you are not getting your $20 back. Now is there anything else you want to talk about, or are we done?" ...
I CAN GO ON AND ON.. this is easily one of the WORST rental companies in the area. I highly recommend staying far far away. I have a lot of friends in the rental business and after telling them this story they all laugh and say "Prima Management.. oh god" they told me that I was lucky to not get approved, apparently these are some of the worst management in town!
Hope this review sways you in a different direction than Prima Management. You deserve much better treatment than the treatment they will give you.