I know that this show closed & I'm literally so bummed about it that I am still going to write a review anyway because this was by far the best show I have seen on the strip yet.
Classical cabaret/broadway style show with gorgeous costuming, beautiful sets, wonderfully talented singers who had me fighting tears, & lot's of comedy too. All of the singers were so talented & charismatic.
The Vegas Strip is getting rid of a lot of the tasteful, big, old school Vegas style shows which really bums me out. I hope whatever new show takes this shows place will live up to the high standard that this one has set. I asked my mother (who is truly the hardest person in the world to please when it comes to entertainment) how she felt about it & we both were talking about how much we loved it after it was over.
The only negative thing I had to say about it was that they allowed photos & filming during the show which was distracting & tacky. Enjoy the show. Live in the moment. I don't want to see anyone's screen light up... I want to enjoy the talent in front of me!
Sad that it's gone but glad I caught it!