I'm adding a star because they've extended business hours by a little bit - Sun-Thurs to 11PM and Fri & Sat to Midnight. It's only an extra hour but the past couple of years have seen an epidemic of ever shortening business hours in food & hospitality,it's really hard to get better coffee or espresso at 10PM for people with later schedules so I appreciate this very much even though I'm not around here that often.
Plus this location has at least 2 people working every time I come here, and thankfully no driv-thru (so no standing around being ignored 5 minutes while one person multitasks between prep & drive-thru...). Traffic & parking on Church is a hassle but so is the Starbucks at Yonge & College. I can see myself making a 7km detour a 2-3 times a month just to get my late coffee fix here.