I have needed this hospital a lot in my life! I've been to labor and delivery here and the ER as both a patient and visitor. I couldn't tell you how much I absolutely confide in this place. I feel like there's more to it than just medical staff. The Dr's actually want to be sure they are finding a cure or a reason for what's happening. The nurses I like to compare to cashiers at stores. Sometimes you get one that has had a bad day. Lol but overall I've run into sweethearts that care and show it. I have even heard them talk to one another like they are friends and not only coworkers and I've even been added into conversations that were between a couple of them. It's a nice place to be and there's warmth that hospitals don't usually have. I thought it was normal until I went elsewhere recently. Worse choice I've made in a long long time. Arrowhead I will never ever cheat on you again lol!!!