Who reviews a surgeon? I do! It is important. I had lasik performed by Dr. Wellish in November of 2012. Since then, I have recommended him to friends and coworkers. I was really impressed by their friendly, efficient and professional service. I have had good results and still am sometimes amazed that I can see without any correction. This is the best thing I have done for myself in years.
They have different surgery options and I went with the one that gives you 20/20 vision. They have one that is more expensive but gives you super hero vision. I decided to pass, since it seemed unnecessary.
Dr. Wellish was recommended to me by optometrist and I can't thank him enough. I was moving out of state just a couple of days after my surgery, so they made arrangements for me to see my regular optometrist for my first followup, then I came back to him for the next one. That extra step, and the fact that the doctor himself called me the night of my surgery really reinforced that I made the right decision. Fantastic service, great results!
I think we've all heard those $299 per eye commercials on the radio for other places. I love a bargain as much as the next woman, if not more, but this is not the place to cut corners.