| - YOUR RECEPTIONIST SUCKS. Just called to inquire about purchasing a couples' service package and the receptionist was so rude!!! "Uh we don't do that we're a school." Yes, DUH I KNOW, but you do offer services right? No packages? Ok that's your own failure of imagination in marketing. Offer a full day spa service package, offer a couples package, people like me would be interested. Not to mention they need to learn about this particular kind of a customer service experience. I was interested in booking everything listed on the website, for my anniversary, but not anymore.
And FFS hire a receptionist who isn't so stuck up she's actively turning people away. If you are going to be closed on a given day (12/30), fine, it's the holidays, I get it, but don't act like I'm from Mars for asking. When I was in beauty school we had Christmas Day off and that was it. My butt would've been on the floor laying foils so not outrageous to assume. Actually bother to see if maybe you can find another day you are open and offer some kind of customer service. Look, I'm a cosmetics veteran and I have NO PATIENCE FOR SNOTTY PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT JUST BECAUSE THEY WORK IN THIS FIELD ITS A LICENSE TO CONDESCEND TO THE WORLD.