| - DOMINOS IS THE NEW COMCAT. 2nd Post. If there was a "Zero Star" Dominos would get it. Long and loyal customer that ended today. Used iPhone app for a repeat order which included a room number at a local college where this store delivers daily. Bottom line, the delivery guy never delivered because he "did not" have the room number, (which he did,) and HE NEVER ENTERED THE BUILDING(!!!) Manager was even worse blaming it on me for not answering my phone. I took it up with corporate, Robin Mc Intrye who fobbed me off with an e-mail ... "contact manager." I responded that I had and it was no help. One month later I again complained to corporate and Robin Mc Intyre called me and basically read from a corporate script. Could not, would not explain to me how a pizza delivery guy would not "ring the doorbell" saying that it was for security reasons(?) Really? At a well lit college campus with security running around late night on golf carts, security at the front door, with students all around and I can see the Dominos sign from classrooms? When I pressed for a basic explanation and told him his offer of free pizza was not buying me and reminded him that the college, corporately, orders from this store frequently, he told me I was "being hostile." Just FYI corporate "customer service" folk. Never tell an unhappy customer they are hostile and then threaten them with a suggestion that you would close their account. Well, at least he didn't give me the "F-U" that the Michigan Dominos manager did as seen in the news this month. Advice: Stand up for the consumer and boycott Dominos. There are plenty of other pizzas places baking great pies.