Well, I broke my Galaxy SIII which I purchased from Costco along with the SquareTrade warrenty. SquareTrade didnt have any SIII's in stock so they sent me a check to purchase the phone outright in which I had to go into a corporate store. So I go in to buy it... mind you I have 5 lines. The guy tells me that if I migrate two of the lines I had that were still on contract ($400 total), that my bill would drop $100/mo. Also, I would have to pay in full for my new phone. That was fine. I had to pay $180 that day and the bill would be $20/mo more. I would still be saving $80/mo. I paid $550 that day.... well I got my bill and its $690. I took it into the store and the sales guy said it would be adjusted.... another bill came. NOT ADJUSTED. So I called and apparently what he wrote on the paper to demonstrate my payments was WRONG! DONT LET THEM SWINDLE YOU!!!!!! I now have to pay that in full by tomorrow or my 5 lies will be shut off. I am no longer under contract... been a loyal T-Moile customer for 10 years... I think its about time I switch.