WARNING: If you have booked a room here online make sure you call them in advance to confirm.
Sound bizarre? I thought so too. My boyfriend and I turned up after I had payed online for a room in the pyramid, exhausted and smelly from our road trip only to be to told that the king size room in the pyramids were overbooked and that we could either have a room with two queens and switch the next night, or stay in one of the towers. We opted for the latter choice, too tired and in need of a shower to argue the c**k-and-bull story (pardon the language) the guy was giving us that even though we had payed for the room online we hadn't call to confirm or something along those lines.
I have never heard of anything like this before.
Apart from that, the room we got was nice enough, although there was no mini-fridge or safe- although there is a place close to reception you can lock up any valuables you may have with you.
The hotel has what you expect in Vegas, lots of slots and tables, as well as shops and it connects with Madalay Bay and Excalibur.
The pools were crowded (no surprise there) but pleasant to jump into.
As far as prices go it is affordable. I signed up online for their email list prior to booking and got a small discount. It's not like we spent much time in our hotel room so we didn't really care about not getting the one we originally booked- I just found their response bizarre.
Nevertheless I can now tell my future grandchildren that I stayed in a Pyramid. Almost.