| - I've been trying to track this truck down for a while and I was able to catch them on a Friday night and was first in line. I wasn't interested in the grilled cheese or tater tots, etc., just the lobster roll please........correction the Connecticut Lobster Roll, as it is served warmed and without mayo.......yes, that one........$17 bucks! Ouch! But I get it, it's lobster and I had no problems with the price tag after devouring that roll, it was really good, really fresh, really sweet on a buttery toasted roll!
Several weeks later they were near my building during lunch and I tried them again, getting the same Connecticut roll, but this time my bread was soggy and several pieces of lobster shell was present, so I was very disappointed after dropping $17 this time around. So, I still think the other lobster truck has my heart for now, as they are more consistent. I am willing to try Cousin's a 3rd time but I will need some time before I forget about that soggy bread and several pieces lobster shell pieces I had to take out of my mouth.