| - I thought the food here was pretty good, solid but not outstanding. Very good martinis. Waitress was super friendly, but hey, this is Wisconsin. What I didn't understand were the prices.
I cannot recount a single restaurant I've been to in my life where the prices were more out of line with what I was eating, the location, the building all that. At first I was like "oh nice, this place is old school, it has character for sure. Food must be insane based on what they're charging." And it was all good, definitely not great. Definitely not memorable. $65 for a 22 oz ribeye?! That better be the best cooked cow I've had, because those are Mastro's prices, and definitely not Mastro's quality. I'm still unclear why I paid $100 for a steak and two drinks. Oh, and a wedge salad which had...French dressing. Huh? Not terrible, but what in the f.
Anyhow, people are friendly ;)
Btw - changed from 3 to 4 stars because I realized everybody here was super friendly and I enjoyed the food, I was able to look at the menu ahead of time and know what I was paying so that should not detract a star.