I'm convinced New Media West is the crappiest ISP in the entire country (yes, even crappier than Comcrap). The only reason I was a customer was because they had an exclusive provider agreement with my apartment complex. I say "had" because it looks like this POS company has finally gone out of business. Let me count the reasons why I'm glad to be rid of this company:
1. Frequent service interruptions. It seemed that my internet was going offline once or twice every week. I was constantly having to reset my router.
2. Non-existent customer service. Once I called on a Sunday night to complain about how slow my internet was being. Because it was New Media West, they had no live technical support. The rude customer service representative told me someone would contact me the next day. Of course, no one actually did.
3. Failure to communicate. A few days ago, I received a cryptic email from New Media West, explaining that my building would no longer be serviced by their company. It failed, however, to mention anything about what would happen to my internet service moving forward. So imagine my surprise today when my internet suddenly craps out. I called New Media West to find out what's going on, only to hear a pre-recorded message directing me to DISH customer support. After calling DISH, I find out that New Media West has gone out of business and that all of its customers have been transferred to DISH. I am also overjoyed to find out that I will be without internet for the next 24 hours. Thanks New Media West!