Solid 4 star experience for my late night outing ( 2am) at this establishment. This restaurant is now open between midnight and 6am with a limited menu. This is a new change.
Considering it was 2am the server Chanel had a great attitude and was knowledgable when asked questions. You have to be sweet but tough to work this shift in Vegas on a Saturday night.
I have stayed at this hotel many times since it's open last fall and never felt drawn to eating at what was called Stewart and Ogden ( now going by S+O). While I loved the decorations, it felt as if the menu was trying really hard to upscale when this hotel sorely needed a solid coffee shop...even the Bellagio has one.
I was pleased to see a lot of smart changes being made at this hotel to bring in more people-- some at S+O were apparent through hotel advertising. They offer a prime rib special late night breakfast for $4.95 and such to bring in people.. Everyone loves a good deal in downtown. 50% off regular menu for locals ( not the discounted late night menu though)
So to the good. I ordered some hot water and lemon- not so much cheap and protecting my throat. The late night menu is small but I liked that they had 2.95/3.95/4.95 and 8.95 options.
Meatball sliders with fries: 3.95 solid little dish that is tasty and flavorful. My only comment and my server agreed was that they need more marinara sauce. I know the chefs job is to keep kitchen costs down but you don't want a dish to be cheap and feel cheap... That said 3.95 gets you just the order of fries in some coffee shops.
Taquitos: 2.95 they looked a little sad upon arrival but once you got past the lame lettuce garnish they tasted good... Especially since I ate my sliders first so they were sitting for a bit. I sorta ordered them as an after thought just to see how the food was at 2.95. My recommend is that the chef serves it with the pico de gallo and maybe a small salsa of some sort...
Creme brûlée: 4.99 Chanel offered and I was curious from the little sign that said desserts $3 and up.It was fresh and the berries added a lot to it. I heard it is a fave with many guests. Solid portion for sure.
Wrap up: as I carouse around vegas I am much more likely to end my evening at S+O now that they offer late night. All the tables around me seemed happy. Remember that late night always takes a little longer but the quality of food was way better than that late night stop at jack in the box.
If they added more marinara and a solid salsa this would of been a 4.5 to 5 star easily.