Shoppers is one of those places that you just expect to be the same everywhere.
The standard cosmetics area. The standard aisles. The guy/girl who is standing in front of the eye wash product...but really is straining his or her eyes looking at the condoms for their right selection. I'll never understand how toothbrushes, condoms and eye wash stuff is always in the same aisle...just doesn't seem right. I feel like tooth brushes need to go in the candy aisle, eye wash stuff close to the cosmetics area and condoms in
This shoppers wasn't that great. Was here last minute just before it closed and the place did seem deserted...of staff and people alike. Thank god for the standard-ness of shoppers that I could find the product relatively easily, but I was thwarted by the lack of staff at the tills. I eventually got impatient and left the items and walked out but it seems that I could have equally walked out without leaving the items and non would have been wiser...
except for me....