| - My daughter attended 2 years of pre-K at The Meadows Beginning School. We recently moved out of state which is the only reason we will not be attending Kindergarten in the fall. If I could uproot this school and place it in my new neighborhood, I would in a heartbeat.
In looking for a school, I did a lot of research and took many tours of the other private schools in our area. I wanted her to attend the best. The thing that drew me most to this school was the fact that they "teach to the top". Students are constantly challenged, engaged, and motivated to learn. The teachers expect a lot from the kids and it isn't easy. Likewise, a lot is expected from the teachers, and especially the parents. On the very first day of preschool, my daughter came home with a sheet with the lesson for the week, and the word of the day was "responsibility". From that day forward, I knew that we were in for a journey.
The statistics of the high school graduates speak for itself, with students moving on to the top universities, the GPAs and AP testing scores. So, although my daughter was only 3 years old when she stepped foot onto the campus- I chose this school because this is where I envisioned her graduating. It was an investment that we were willing to make.
It is not only a monetary investment, but a time investment as well. Parents are very involved in every aspect- academics, athletics, theater, music, after school activities, etc. And as a result, the children are very well rounded and emerge as great leaders as well.
*Yelp 100 Challenge: Review 58/100*