| - Cupcake delirium is the best thing to happen to the recently exploded cupcake market. In fact, we've had to limit ourselves to one trip/week in our family, not because we don't want more, but because it just gets hard to justify. The list of cupcakes some member of the family has tried is long: Vermont Jemima, Banana Pudding, Velvet Bottom, Elvis, Strawberry, Cookie Monster (a fav of the 3 y/o), Warren Buffet, Twisted Snickers, Cookie Dough, Black Bottom, Lemon Blueberry, Death by Chocolate, et cetera, et cetera. Even my least favorite is still better than any cupcake I've had anywhere else. The Vermont Jemima is to die for-like a pancake breakfast in a cupcake. Banana Pudding is also a huge winner. Oh forget it...they're all amazing.