Another museum that I didn't care if I saw, but hubby was interested--that surprised me. I expected a ton of stuff about screaming wasn't that way at all. There was a lot of good history there. Everything from blues to disco to country was represented. There were historical items and costumes, the drum set from the Beatles, and a great exhibit on photography.
I am not sure I'd take really young kids, and in fact, most of the people there visiting seemed to be 40-50. But it was interesting. There was information on every person inducted and the year. There was the history of radio and music--from cylinders to transistor radios to Ipods.
We had not planned on going, as I thought they closed at five, but we arrived at the waterfront and found that they were open until 9 on Weds.
Excellent timing, and a great visit. They also offer a veteran's discount!