I am fairly pleased with this gym where I've been a member the last several months. I am pleased with the faculty as it has racquetball, basketball courts, cardio, weights and numerous fitness and spinning classes on a daily basis. I don't like the system for cleaning the equipment though which involves paper towels and hand sanitizer essentially. Other gyms where I have been a member have actual cleansing wipes which are much more effective.
The staff is unfortunately pretty useless as I have never encountered a single person who has been able to answer any of my questions. For example, I have asked nearly ever person that works there what the length of the pool is and no one can tell me. I finally measured it myself. Fortunately, I am self sufficient and don't require a lot of attention otherwise you might be in trouble here.
Also, the lifeguard for the pool is not infrequently late in the morning when the pool is supposed to be open which is a problem if you are trying to swim and have limited time.
Pricing is pretty average at $30 per month unless you want to use the courts, then they charge you $5. There is also and initiation fee which can sometimes be waived if you ask.
I like this gym and will keep coming only because I like what they offer. It has nothing to do with the staff or pricing unfortunately.