I worked on Central Ave for a number of years in the past and never saw this place. And it's been there for 60 years!!! I'm slackin' in my mom & pop shop dex duties!
Had to run some errands in the area so I Yelped sandwich shops looking for one I had never been to before and came across this one. I looked at their menu and immediately saw a bunch of items that appealed to me. I still couldn't believe I had never seen this before, especially since I'm sooooo in love with Cheese!
The poor people behind the counter must have thought I was nuts! I get the impression they are used to people knowing what they want when they walk in the door rather than having me stare at the menu for a good 10 minutes, again. To my credit, the only lunch meat I ate growing up was a slice of bologna once a year and I've eaten the same Subway sandwich for 20 years so this whole deli thing is new to me. I asked about a number of sandwiches and they were very helpful in answering all my questions. "You can have that hot or cold". "Sourdough or rye".
I settled on a chicken salad sandwich, surprisingly. I usually shy away from "salad" sandwiches because most places use too much mayo, or there's funky ingredients like walnuts or raisins or grapes. I was feeling mighty brave today I guess. The sandwich was AWESOME! Great flavor and not drowning in goo. They have a huge selection of chips or you can try their homemade potato or macaroni salad.
I can't wait to bring the hubby back for him to try.