Ahhhh feel the privilege! This where the geriatrics go to feel socially accepted. Be aware, you will most likely run into Raven, she's everywhere the 50+ crowd congregates.
The old piano and singer duo covers such modern day hits as Sublime and anything that was popular at least 10 years ago.
My $15 salad was in reality about $3 worth of food. I guess they need to pay for the elaborate bread bowl you can gorge yourself on prior.
The bowtie man is very aggressive at identifying plates as to fulfill his life's mission of collecting dirty plates and continues hovering over my table as I attempt to enjoy my meal.
The upside is well there is none but hey you spent the day screwing over the American people in some form or fashion why not take a write off and bring joe from the office to have dinner with the family? You can afford to throw away $75 on a cheap corn fed steak disguised as quality meat, because you're rich, so who cares? Let loose and partay like it's 1944!