Grew up in Charlotte and moved away 31 years ago. Now, whenever I get within 2 or 3 hundred miles I will make the trip back to eat at South 21. I nearly always have the Jumbo Cheeseburger with massive amounts of the delicious onion rings. I was just there in late Sept, and they still do not disappoint. The onion rings were crispy, the cheeseburger juicy and now that I am back in Florida, I regret not eating dinner there that night also.
I have on occasion tried the Trout or the Chicken and they are also good,but as far as I am concerned it is the Jumbo Cheeseburger that has made them a staple in Charlotte for over 50 years and it also my favorite. They also have a sit down restaurant in Matthews that is a bit far depending where you live but easier to get in to than the one closer to town.
marty b