My honey & I went here yesterday and all I kept thinking was"why did I shower & blow dry my hair?" Forget that it was 91 degrees with hot sun at 2pm, but I felt we stood out in our jeans and white t-shirts. The look of everyone else was definitely roll out of bed, put on a black AC/DC shirt and hat and walk out the door. In the almost 2 hours it took us to walk down each aisle, I never saw one thing that I wanted to buy and I love to buy. There seemed to be a lot of items that appeared to have fallen off the back of a truck and ended up on the blanket on the ground here. The avon products, bic shavers, used sofas, skinny jeans, leather dog leashes, unboxed barbie dolls and cheap underwear all appeared to have aged in the sun over the many months they had been waiting to be purchased by someone. I did enjoy looking at the puppies, birds and rabbits at the different vendors and there are mexican spices that could be used by someone that cooks. There was a band playing in the center of the market that had some great Def Leppard going and the food smelled good. Definitely something you need to do once but we will be trying out other swap meets soon.