Went here on my birthday with my boyfriend, because of the good reviews an low prices. Now I understand the low prices.
The two massage "therapists", which can't possibly be certified, came into the room and told us to get undressed while they stood there looking at us! Talk about awkward. Leave the room for a minute or at least turn away.
The woman massaging me started the massage on my face. First of all.. I did not expect a stranger's hands all over my face- second we had just come from dinner and I had make up on that was now rubbed everywhere from lotion. Lotion that she then rubbed all through my hair.
There was no pattern in the massaging technique she was doing. She'd do something different on one arm than the other- which makes me think she wasn't trained in what she was doing. She was waaay too hard on my back and today my shoulders are swollen and hurt too bad to be touched. I feel like I got hit by a bus.
Finally after we were done, the women didnt leave the room to give us privacy while we dressed.. they stayed and cleaned! All in all I was very disappointed, and afterwords I left feeling more tense that I had arrived, and out $30.