I agree with Julie W.'s review. I just don't get all the hype about this place either. It is definitely just...bleh.
The menu is too large. When a place has such a huge, diverse menu they usually don't specialize in anything and everything is just mediocre. That's what I found with this place. We went for lunch and it was Packed! Service was slow which could be from the vast menu choices. Too many different types of food for the kitchen to keep up with.
I found the restaurant to be dirty and smelled slightly off. Couldn't really quite place the smell, but wasn't all that inviting. I had a Cobb salad and while a huge salad, the lettuce was warm and included quite a few brown pieces. The little tray of pickles that they put on our table were thrown down and I couldn't help but get the feeling that they had been recycled from someone else's table who didn't eat them. Not sure why, but I definitely didn't touch them, and I love pickles.
Granted, I've only been once, but the experience was enough to put me off and I haven't wanted to try it again. There are just too many other good options out there. But I'm sure I will try it at again and I will update if I have a better experience.