I must say "THANK YOU" to the staff and Dr. Rothman for taking such good care of me on my day of the surgery. I am now seeing 20/20!!!!
At my free no obligation consultation my vision was 20/50 in both eyes and a slight astigmatism in my left eye. My glasses and contacts prescription was -1.75 for both eyes. I knew before I scheduled my consultation that I was going to have LASIK done I just didn't know which doctor in Las Vegas I wanted to go to. BUT after my consultation and meeting Dr. Rothman I knew LASIK of Nevada was the place I was going too. AND I knew I wanted Dr. Rothman as my surgeon :-)
I had my LASIK done on Saturday, 1/25/14, and was a SUPER anxious and SUPER nervous while waiting for the procedure to be done. I arrived at 1pm 15 minutes before my scheduled appointment, I would say that the waiting was the most nerve wrenching part of the whole day BUT once they give you your HAPPY :-) pill it was a lot better.
As far as the actual procedure, it was over before I could BLINK ;-) lol. But seriously, I went into the laser/procedure room and was out within a couple minutes that's how fast it is. Dr. Rothman and his staff take very good care of you. They double/triple check your eyes before your go under the laser to make sure that is the best option for your vision.
After the procedure once the numbing drops wear off it hurt to keep my eyes open....SO I take the Doctors and staff advise..."GO TO SLEEP". And that is what I did I had something to eat, of course, my eyes were closed and then took a pain reliever with a sleep aid and passed out. Don't forget to wear those silly looking sleeping goggles!!!! Sleep is the best medicine for your body to heal its self.
If you are looking or interested in getting LASIK done my suggestion is to go here...LASIK of Nevada.