The sides are the greatest part of Dickey's. The fried okra is perfection, the baked potato is HUGE and comes with an array of delicious toppings, including the bbq meats, but best of all is the dill potato salad. It has no onions!! Up until this point in my life the only potato salad I have ever encountered without onions are the ones I make myself. The poor kid behind the counter somehow felt the need to apologize that it was dill flavored, clearly not understanding that dill potato salad is the ultimate unicorn of flavors, unheard of in the world at large. I could live on it and it alone. If not for that whole dying of diabetes or malnourishment thing. The jalapeno beans have some actual heat to them and the free ice cream is nice in the heat of a Vegas summer, but I am all about the potato salad.