| - I'm already a fan of Town Square, and when Pete's Dueling Piano Bar opened its doors in this popular lifestyle center, I was excited to give it a try. A friend organized a ladies Tweetup event at Pete's, so it was just a bunch of us girls. And, we had a blast!
First off, the management was so nice to accommodate our group. If you're looking for a place to organize an event, I highly recommend you contact the managers at Pete's in advance and host your event there. They were quite hospitable and the service was perfect. Even as the night got busier and busier, our service was never lacking.
Drinks are mixed to please and the prices are reasonable. But the real reason to go to Pete's, of course, is the dueling piano show. Our night consisted of four different players who rotated throughout the show. My favorite performer was Christine who can wail Janis Joplin like no one else can. My only complaint is that I requested The Doors' "Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar)" and the piano players didn't know it. But to make up for it, they did play "Roadhouse Blues," convincing me to forgive them.
Don't expect to get away with chit chatting with your friends during the show. These performers need (and demand) you to clap, dance and sing along. It's the whole point of the show. So be prepared to get called out if you're not participating.
Only the lively, fun-loving types will appreciate Pete's. If you're looking for a quiet drinking hole where you can be left alone, Pete's Dueling Piano Bar is not the place for you. But, if you need to cut loose, laugh, and sing away the stress of your day, head to Pete's. I'll meet you there.