| - Dr. Thomas Durisek and his crew at Open Wide Dental (OWD) rock! I first came to Dr. Durisek a few yeas ago after seeing his ads in the local gay publications. I've been a patient ever since because Open Wide Dental does such a great job. The Open Wide Dental web site states, "Our commitment is to provide you the highest standard of personalized dental care with a gentle, efficient and professional manner. We trust you will find the atmosphere calming, the staff friendly, and our dental services exceptional." I'm pleased to report that OWD delivers on their promise.
You know your dentist is gay when you can compliment the decor of the office. Dr. Durisek remodeled the space his practice now occupies and it is state-of-the-art. The waiting area looks more like the living room of a gay couple who subscribes to "Dwell" magazine and shops at IKEA than the usual dreary dental office. The two massage chairs from The Sharper Image also get lots of use. Check out the photos on the OWD web site as I didn't know you could get dental office Glamour Shots!
Beyond mere appearances, it's the people who make the difference at Open Wide Dental. Theresa is by far the best dental hygienist I have ever encountered. My teeth form lots of tartar and she does an exceptional job cleaning them. She is extremely gentle and the only hygienist who has not caused me pain while cleaning my teeth. The new office set up is nice as flat panel monitors are mounted to the ceiling over the treatment chairs, so you get to watch calming DVDs while they work on your teeth. Dr. Durisek told me some patients have asked for TV shows or movies, but they've kept it to nature scenes and the like so far.
Dr. Durisek himself is great. He's friendly, kind, patient, gentle and professional. On my first visit, I filled out a form and one of the questions asked why I went to Open Wide Dental and I responded, "My previous dentist was a jerk." I really appreciated that Dr. Durisek had the balls to ask me about the previous dentist based on my comment. Right then I knew we would enjoy mutual respect going forward. In fact, I trusted him enough to follow his advice of filling a small cavity without any local anesthetic. He assured me that the cavity was small enough that I did not need local anesthetic and if I started to feel any pain at all during the procedure, all I had to do was raise a hand and he would hook me up with some Novocaine. I've found that the injection of Novocaine for previous dental work was an awful experience on its own and Dr. Durisek was right on the money. He was able to fill my cavity without any anesthetic and I didn't feel any pain at all.
If you've got teeth, then Open Wide Dental is the place for you to take care of them!