Found really good service at this Sears Grand location. My tire pressure was low and I didn't want to use the air machine at the gas station. I went in and there was only worker at the desk, but he was in the phone. Luckily someone in the bay saw me standing around and called for help to the front desk. There I was greeted by a mechanic named Chris. I told him my tire pressure was low and he instructed me to pull my car up to one if the bays. He immediately checked the tires and they were all 7 PSI lower than the recommended specs. Chris informed me that I might have to drive a little before the low tire pressure indicator light goes off, but I let him know it never went on to begin with. He asked me how I knew the tires needed air and I told him they were soft and looked low. He then informed me that some cars are designated to be more sensitive than others in order for the light to go on. Some vehicles, if it goes below 2 PSI than the recommended spec will trigger the light.
We both agreed that although technology is still very helpful, driver responsibility is still key. I rather have been wrong on my tires being low than having them dangerously low when I'm on the highway. Chris was professional and helped me get back on the road. I would come back.