What I thought was decent upon the first visit, had somehow morphed into mediocre and in some cases, disgusting. What the heck happened?
I agree with the other reviewers about the ratio of rice to fish- its ridiculous how much rice they cram into their nigiri.
We did do the all you can eat sushi deal, and I was totally taken aback by the waitress's admonition that we will get charged for what we don't eat. Excuse me? We didn't order extravagantly, and I doubt what we got would have totaled the $20 charge for the AYCE.
Anyway, the sushi itself was about as flavorful as a ten dollar bill. I love eel, and they managed to screw up the eel so badly that it tasted like cardboard and had the texture of dry, severely overcooked fish. The yellowtail sashimi just didn't taste right, and I paid for that one for the rest of the night. Ouch.
Ah well. At least the sake is cheap and good.