O.k. this is another review for the brothers at Lewis and Sons, as I have used them once again. I cannot say enough how much I appreciate that there are small companies and good people like this doing business in the valley. They do great work and give you a square deal, unlike too many of the other HVAC repair companies out there, especially the larger outfits whose commercials you see on TV.
Not naming names, but just think of any larger company whose commercials you've seen on TV, and then check out their Yelp reviews. Their reviews are abysmal, and rightly so because they have to gouge and rip off people to maintain their large marketing budgets. It's like a viscous cycle. Why can't they be honest and do a good job in the first place and then get business by referrals and word of mouth...like Lewis and Sons.
O.k. enough ranting about the other large HVAC repair companies. Again, I'm just thankful that Lewis and Sons is doing business in the Valley. PLEASE SUPPORT THESE HONEST GUYS!!!!