Good: Food was good, came out extremely fast and was priced well. My chicken salad was huge and everyone at the table seemed to enjoy their food. Staff was very nice and our server was fairly attentive to the table. After our meal we ventured into the beer cave. I pieced together a 6pack of various craft brews (all which were $1 if you are packing them to go) to take home. Plenty of great offerings in the beer cave..almost everyone of my favorites were available.
Bad: The place was pretty busy and didn't seem well organized. If you're waiting for a table there's not really any place to stand while you wait. Our server was often distracted and stopped in the middle of our order to talk with another server. The layout isn't the greatest and staff often walked by and knocked into my chair as I ate. When I rang out (I don't think they take your bill up...ours was presented and our server never came back?) the girl at the front started to ring up another couple behind me before I grabbed my 6 pack off the counter.
Verdict: Again, everyone was super nice...maybe I just caught them on an off night and everyone was frazzled. Either way..the food was good, the prices were good, and the people were cool. I'll gladly go back if given the chance.