My coworker swears by this place for their authentic cantonese cuisine. We went there after work one night for some late night grub.
It's a very nice restaurant in chinatown complete with live fish, prawns, lobster, and crabs. We went for takeout so we couldn't really judge the service but the guy that seats you was really nice and helpful.
My coworker recommended the salt and pepper pork chops. Since I had always been told by my ever-so-seasoned fellow yelper/coworker reggie to always order salt and pepper anything whenever I can, I agreed to try said pork chops. After about a 15 minute wait, the waiter brought out our food. It smelled great and I couldn't wait to get home to try it. I opened up the to-go box and there were small breaded pork chops (some with bone, some without) that had bits of garlic and jalepeno all throughout the dish. It came with rice as well. When I dug in I couldn't believe how tender they were. These pork chops just melted away in my mouth. The contrast of the jalepeno against the pork was incredible with just the right amount of heat and saltiness. All in all it was a great dish and I would definitely go back. They had a lobster sale while we were there...19.95/lb down from 29.95/lb and these things were monsters! Anyways, check this place's great for late night eats.