Wide variety of brands for both men and women. They also got a section in the back for their clearance items that ranged around $15-25. I got my fave, Grey's Anatomy Scrubs and I was really excited about my purchase. The staff were really friendly and helpful so service was a plus.
Downfall, I looked online to compare the price differences and the Grey's Anatomy scrubs that I got where on sale for at the most, $10 cheaper per item! That was my fault though, I should've looked online prior to hitting up the store. I kept the receipt just in case (like every other store I buy clothing from), read their return policy and they don't do refunds, but store credit (-1 star rating).
I was able to get 5 tops and 4 bottoms ($219 + free shipping) which equaled around the same amount that I bought in the store (3 tops 2 bottoms= $214). Yessss, do your research first people.
Overall tho, this place was neat and organized with friendly staff. They carry some medical supplies as well, I actually bought a cute pair of toki doki surgical scissors (super cute!) and a pen light from the result of my store credit. Check this place out!