This review is not for the is based solely on my night experience on Tuesday where all drinks were 2 bucks. So my sister drags me out here at say 11pm-ish its freezing outside and I have never seen this parking lot so full before in my whole 20 years of living here. As we pull in to find a parking space wayyyy in the back my sister casually says "Wow its pretty empty still" Im like really!?!? She says ya just wait and see when we leave. I'm thinking to myself what have I gotten myself into!! For those that dont know me I am a bit of a clausterphobe. So thankfully we make our way squishing through the people to find a nice section of the bar unattended. We order our drinks and I'm like cool not too bad. Well everyone else we were with had something different in mind like a) dancing or b) dude cruising which I am wayyyy to old for. See cougar definition thats not what I aspire to be. Dont be so shocked.
Anyway this place got mad packed and I'm not sure how many people I rubbed up on just trying to get through to the restroom and then get back to the bar. There was a point where they had FREE shots they were poured directly into patrons mouths from an alcohol bottle by cute females standing atop the bar counter. I did not attempt this task for my fear of mobs to tell you if the drink was tasty or not. My sister said it was good her word was good enough for me.
I had an epiphany while watching all these "Single Ladies" dance and shake their ring fingers to Beyonce. I confirmed that I am just too old for this shiz. No offense to you young party club goers but this was the night that put me into retirement officially. If I go out I dont want to dance I want to enjoy my cocktail while observing human life. Maybe have a meaningless convo with security and notice a drunk spilling his drink all over his friends meanwhile not mentioning it to the waitress that was just about to step in it. I have respect for the employees here it takes a lot to put up with drunk assholes. I also noticed the bartenders have to use a jigger when they pour and when they are busy well um thats time consuming and you probably arent getting a full shot but no one seemed to mind for $2 anyway. 2 am came (not soon enough mind you) and it seemed people wouldnt leave fast enough there was Police Officers all over this parking lot telling everyone they need to leave it was quite a night and I'd go again if bored and need human entertainment most definitely.