| - This is just an update, as I posted a long but glowing review of PB back in October. I just want to add that, in the almost year that I've been going, PB has done more to boost my metabolism than any workout I've ever done. There are other activities that will burn more calories in an hour, but PB keeps the burning going! I try to go to PB 4 times a week, sometimes one more, sometimes one less...but I'm not an every day exerciser. I eat a relatively healthy diet during the week, but, on the weekends, I pretty much eat whatever I want. I am 33, and, for the first time in my life, I am not concerned about weight gain. I just went on a week long beach vacation where I ate too much, drank too much, and did essentially zero exercise...but I came home feeling almost just as good as when I left! This is a major accomplishment for me, and it is one of the reasons that I don't think I will ever stop going to PB. If I were trying to lose weight, I know that I could by making a few changes, but, for now, it's so nice just to be able to maintain without any worries! Also, even though it keeps my metabolism revved up, I somehow don't feel hungry every second of every day. Usually when I'm getting a good workout, I feel like I can't get enough to eat, so this is a nice change too. Thank you PB :)