Soup Nutsy is amazing BUT on the pricey side. Definitely a rainy day treat. My go to soup is the Jamaican crab bisque. It's a bit on the salty side, but it has some kick to it, has a lot of goodies inside, and is amazing when you dip bread into it. Every time I choose a different soup, I always wish I got the crab bisque - not because the soup was disappointing, I just love the bisque that much more! If you love soup, this place is for you!
Don't forget that with every soup purchase you get 2 sides - bread, veggies or fruit. They're not always great at reminding you, and I've heard of some new customers not even realizing you get sides included and walk off without it. I usually get 2 pieces of bread - #ilovecarbs
This location is in the food court at Metro Hall. The line can get pretty massive during the lunch rush, but SN is pretty good at keeping the line moving, so you're not waiting for long.
"mmmm soup... I mean noodle soup... I mean soup!" - Joey Tribbiani