I got free tickets through work but I would've gladly paid for this. I can't believe so many of these songs are over 20 years old now!!! Where did the time go? It was like a total high school flashback for me. It didn't matter what music you were into back then or what clique you were a part of in school...you...knew...all..these...songs.
They kicked it off with a couple of uptempo songs but as soon as they went into "On Bended Knee", everyone just went nuts. This was complete and total ground zero cougar central. Matt S. would've been psyched. Then the Boyz went straight into "It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday" and killed it.
Wanya Morris' vocals impressed me the most. I never really appreciated just how great his voice was until seeing it in person. They also did a tribute to Motown medley with gold jackets and old school moves that left Human Nature in the dust. I liked their acappella segment the best with the group covering songs from the likes of Take 6 and even The Beatles. It was the best way to appreciate how awesome their vocals were.
But things got really crazy when they performed "I'll Make Love To You" and started handing out roses to the ladies. Females from all corners of the venue were literally sprinting down the aisles to get one. Ladies, if you want to get a more personal experience, make sure to get an aisle seat in the first 15 rows. You'll definitely be serenaded by one of the members during "End of the Road".
"Motownphilly" was a fitting finale that had everyone up on their feet. ABC and Bel Biv Devoe really get shoutouts til the end of time!!