I went to the brow house to get my brows cleaned up a bit since they hadn't been done in a month or so. When I first walked in I was impressed by how clean and nice the studio was. I was greeted right away and sat in a chair instantly. My brow technician came out of the back and asked me how I like to have my brows done. I told her I just wanted them cleaned up which she said ok to and went to work with the tweezers. She said to me that they use a combination of tweezing AND WAXING but after less than 2 minutes of tweezing, she stopped to tell me she would recommend we darken by brows. She told me this would only take a minute or so. I told her that was fine. She began the darkening process right away which I thought was odd since she had only been working on my brows for a minute or so but I figured she would continue the tweezing and waxing when she was finished. After my brows were darkened, she said "You're done!" and left the room. She didn't finish tweezing and didn't even make it to the wax!!! I got up to pay and leave figuring I would tweeze the rest when I got home. I nearly had a heart attack when the man at the cash told me I owed $55!!!! I'm sorry but $55 for 2 minutes of tweezing and brow darkening which costs pennies to do and only took a minute or so is the biggest rip off Ive ever heard of. I will never go back to this money pit again. There are much better places out there that do a better, more thorough job for half that price.