Flip to the back of the menu and you'll find about every drink known to man and then some! "Then some" meaning stuff like Phosphates or the Pink Elephant or whatever it was.
Stopped by here with a couple friends to close out the night with a quick drink and philosophical talk of the ages. Love the mood - that old diner feel. Considering this place has been around for like over 50 years, it's pretty easy to imagine guys with their slicked back hair twirling poodle-skirt clad ladies around in the twist to the humdrum of a jukebox. All the while a cute couple probably sucked down a phosphate with double straws smiling into each other's eyes...oop brain-freeze!
Didn't have the time or appetite to partake in the food but I'll bet it's not bad. On the counter they had a lemon drizzle bundt cake "imported" from the Blue Ridges to the west. Made at high altitude with ingredients somehow native to the mountains I'm betting it's a rare find and a splendid indulgence. I'm sure to come back on another run-through in Davidson. I mean I can't avoid it since I live so close and it's so very tempting.