| - Just about one year ago, I took a scuba refresher here after 20+ years out of the water as a diver. The class, taught by BJ, was thorough and helpful and encouraging. BJ's great sense of humor and fun also made what could have been a bit nerve-wracking much more relaxing and fun. I then went on to dive the Great Barrier Reef this last Summer and felt prepared and confident and had a great dive. At the same time I was doing my class, my husband got his Open Water Certification--Casey was his instructor and he was so cool and so encouraging, helping my husband when he got nervous and helping him reach his goal--we got to enjoy the Barrier Reef together because of this!
This Spring I decided I wanted to keep going--the dive bug had bitten again. I signed up for and took my Advanced Open Water with Erica--talk about a great instructor--calm, patient and a quieter sense of humor, but a great ability to laugh in spite of it and she helped me complete my class feeling great (and we found my lost earring that fell in the lake the day before--what a TRUE Search and Recovery dive!
This last week I started in on my classes for my Complete Diver Certification through the shop--this program offers a significant discount on class pricing and allows you to customize what you want to learn about. I had Ryan as my instructor this weekend--he's new but don't let that fool you! By the end of the weekend of diving, Ryan got to deal with a panicked diver (me) with calm and grace, and he helped me fix that issue, weighting buoyancy issues (hey, its not every day a girl gets to move 6 lbs from her bottom to her top!), helped correct some bad habits I was developing and helped me feel confident that I actually could dive in more sensitive areas of the world and not destroy sea-life or sit on a scorpion fish.
I am looking forward to many more classes through AOS and a lifetime of diving fun.