There are several reasons to love Cooking Uptown: it's a locally-owned business by a woman, it is in lovely Elizabeth, it offers cooking classes and some of the greatest little tools for the kitchen that I just HAVE to have. So what's up with the poor score?
Primarily the bad service. The owner must hate people because I have been in there no less than 8 times and all but one time she has been in a terribly unhelpful mood. When you ask a question, it seems like she doesn't have time or desire to help at all. In fact I've brought my mother and my mother-in-law in there on two separate occasions and they both remarked they would never go back or want to buy anything there because of the service. Once I've had another associate also be rude, but another time she was quite friendly.
The hours are crappy- I always have questions or want to sign up for a class on days when they're closed. Business 101: make it as easy as possible for customers to give you money. Just set up online reservations already! I tried 3 times to bring my knives there to get sharpened but their schedule wasn't clear on when/how long, and when I brought them in I got a scowl, a dirty look and a duh. That's when I got my Global Knives (not from here). The parking can be a pain too.
The cooking classes are hit and miss- some are more helpful than others (go for technique, not for menu) depending on teacher, and you might get assigned to one meal when you really want to work on another, though I still prefer that hands on approach to "demo" style. I agree with Lauryn- Nikki Moore is a delightful teacher. I prefer the Chef's Choice classes at Johnson & Wales. I kind of get the sense that people who come in for the classes are considered second rate citizens. I guess I'm glad not everyone is as pleasant as Nikki or Greg, or I'd spend a ton of moolah in here.