| - Unpretentious. Designed for families, not for child-free liberals in their Prius, Saab's and mini coopers. You'll find people shopping for families of 5 or 6 people, not 3 or 4 rescue animals.
3 bunches of celery, 99 cents
3 cucumbers, 99 cents
16 ounce salad dressing, 1.33
1 pineapple, 2.28
1 pound of carrots, 48 cents
1 dozen large eggs, 1.48
VO5 shampoo or conditioner, 78 cents (22 cents cheaper than dollar stores)
The savings are there, and for those who complain about (gasp!) having to bag your own groceries..... get a little exercise, it won't hurt!
This location is one of the cleaner ones in Las Vegas metro and you generally are not accosted by druggies and the homeless with the frequency you find at the location on Flamingo. Oddly enough, not many tattoo-people here, which is refreshing for this city.